Christian Council
Who are we?
What we do
Christian Councillors have a very important role in helping to make sure that our Christian distinctiveness in school is the best it can be. Christian Council will meet to share ideas and make sure that things are getting done. The Christian Councillors get a copy of the notes from each meeting to share with their classmates and ask them for their views and ideas. They have a special file to keep their notes in and a badge so that everyone knows they are a Christian Councillor. The Christian Council monitor the Reflection Corners in class and the RE and Worship displays around school and check they are tidy and up to date. They also help out with Acts of Worship. Christian Councillors may also help out with Christian Craft Club. They may also speak to visitors about RE and Worship and what being part of a church school is like day to day.
What we have done
Non uniform day and bake sale for the Turkey and Syria earthquake appealMembers of the Christian Council at Beresford Memorial First School were moved to action by the recent tragic earthquake in Turkey and Syria. At one of their recent meetings the children were discussing their role as Courageous Advocates and if there was anything they felt strongly about and wanted to do something to help.
Chloe had seen the earthquake on Newsround and Ruth suggested having a prayer space and a bake sale, whilst Reverend Matt suggested a non-uniform day. The idea was planted and with the help of their teacher, Mrs Tatton, the children approached their Headteacher for permission.
Headteacher Mrs Quinn said she “thought it was a brilliant idea and fully reflected the school’s Christian Vision and Values”.
Ruth and Faith made posters and put them up all around school, whilst Mrs Quinn contacted parents and carers for donations.
Mrs Tatton, Chair of the School’s Christian Council said: “To raise £387.40 is amazing and shows what a fantastic school and local community we have here at Beresford. We are so grateful to everyone who baked and bought cakes and donated for wearing non-uniform.”
Mrs Quinn said: “I am so proud of the Christian Councillors and everyone in and out of school for helping to make the day a success and raise funds for the terrible situation in Turkey and Syria.”
Collective worship themes
Planning themes for Collective Worship, at our final Summer meeting, the Christian Councillors suggested the values that they would like to study from September in Collective Worship.
Prayer Space for Climate Change
To coincide with Wild Week, we held a Prayer Space for Climate Change as a MAT project with other schools across Talentum. Christian Council helped prepare images and artwork and discussed the impact of Climate change as a group. Thanks to Abi for preparing artwork.