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All Saints' CE First School

Christian Distinctiveness

 Beresford Memorial School is enormously proud of being a distinctively Christian school in which we uphold a strong Christian ethos.  Our Christian Distinctiveness is present in all aspects of school life.

Our Christian Vision is lived out through our Christian values.





"You need to do what Jesus did like in the Roman Centurion.” Faith

"The story Jesus being born makes hope come back to life.” Alice

"The Good Samaritan  showed me that people should care for others and respect each other." Lottie

"The Creation story made me feel happy and grateful that God created these things." Leon

"It makes me think that Jacob not being honest, was not being like Jesus." Ella

Jacob didn't tell the truth -  I'll be more like Esau." Leon

"The story of David and Goliath taught me to always keep going and have more courage to help you do things. It doesn't matter who you are, always have courage." 



Our vision & motto alongside our values are exemplified through our school mission statement. We will:  

  • Teach our adults and children global awareness to respect people from all faiths and cultures in our diverse world, knowing that they have all been created in the image of God.
  • Encourage our adults and children to demonstrate British values to show kindness, to know they belong and are nurtured and loved.
  • Inspire our adults and children to be ambitious and show creativity in order to achieve their God given potential.
  • Provide possibilities and hope within our Christian family, by promoting a happy, safe and secure environment, which thrives on positivity and perseverance.
  • Model honesty that reflects our Christian character and provides children with principles that enable them to be a valued member of their community.
  • Show courage by promoting a culture of resilience, and social and emotional awareness inspired by a Growth Mindset.
  • Provoke enquiry by using the outdoors and the Forest school ethos to inspire, enable ideas, develop spirituality and encourage intrinsic motivation.