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All Saints' CE First School


At Beresford Memorial CE First School, our vision is to inspire all children to flourish and achieve their God given potential, whilst loving and learning together with God. We believe in teaching lessons that are exciting, creative and inspiring to our pupils within a Christian context. At Beresford Memorial we use a topic based approach to our teaching and we utilise our outdoor learning provision where possible, to further enhance our teaching and learning opportunities.

Our curriculum has been designed and personalised to best suit our school context and local community. The essential elements threaded throughout our curriculum are; Social and Emotional Awareness, Possibilities, Creativity, Global Awareness, British Values, Community and Spirituality.

These curriculum essentials, along with our school’s Christian values of Honesty, Kindness, Hope, Respect, Creativity and Courage are embedded in everything we teach.

We will:  

  • Teach our adults and children global awareness to respect people from all faiths and cultures in our diverse world, knowing that they have all been created in the image of God.
  • Encourage our adults and children to demonstrate British values to show kindness, to know they belong and are nurtured and loved.
  • Inspire our adults and children to be ambitious and show creativity in order to achieve their God given potential.
  • Provide possibilities and hope within our Christian family, by promoting a happy, safe and secure environment, which thrives on positivity and perseverance.
  • Model honesty that reflects our Christian character and provides children with principles that enable them to be a valued member of their community.
  • Show courage by promoting a culture of resilience, and social and emotional awareness inspired by a Growth Mindset.
  • Provoke enquiry by using the outdoors and the Forest school ethos to inspire, enable ideas, develop spirituality and encourage intrinsic motivation.